
Earned Media Alert

Every day, publications such as eTurboNews receive thousands of press releases from entities wanting to promote a destination, a hotel, an attraction, a cruise, an airline, an investment opportunity, and more.

PR agencies always get compensated to pitch such content to publications, such as eTurboNews.

PR agency and their clients try to talk us into covering news they received compensation for as a free service. Once a publication publishes such content, it means EARNED MEDIA for the PR Agency.
In other words, the agency earned, but the publication did not.

eTurboNews, from time to time, covers such content based on newsworthiness.

In almost all cases a paywall is added to such content to allow only premium paying readers to read it.

eTurboNews charges for commercial coverage, but if accepted, it will fact-check, often rewrite, and prominently post without a paywall.

For more information on eTurboNews Commercial News Coverage please click here or go to www.breakingnewseditor.com