Automatic Exposure

+ 16 partner publications, video/tv/podcast networks

Relax! We can do the work!

Let us do all the work independently to create the best storylines, wording, positioning, promotions, social media postings, lead generation, virtual road shows, email blasts, and banners to get YOU maximum exposure and return.

What do we expect from you? Not much!

You let us know what you would like to promote. Of course, you’re invited to provide your input, press releases, promotions, and banners to be included, or leave it up to us.

What services could be included in a flexible plan?

Depending on your budget, and goals, we can balance services between our various options and even go further. Click on the links for more details:

Who will see your information? 2+ million!

Our readers, social media followers, news aggregators like google or bing news, search engines, partner publications, and syndication. We publish independently in 86 languages.

We work globally and include all languages as a default, but you can filter campaigns to be seen only in specific countries, languages, or cities.

Consulting Experience

With experts including Dr. Peter Tarlow and Juergen Steinmetz, the Travel News Group has a wide range of consulting experiences ranging from developing tourism economic development through cruise tourism to religious and pilgrimage tourism.

As a former minister of tourism and candidate for UNWTO Secretary-General, both Alain St.Ange and Dr. Walter Mzembi bring their own world of political consulting experience.

We worked extensively in creating new tourism sports products. We advised governments, hotels, and restaurant industries on how to create tourism products. We had worked in the area of aquatic tourism and advised tourism and government officials both on cultural tourism, such as art, museum, and folklore, and also outdoor activity tourism ranging from hiking to fishing and boating.

We bring over 40 years of experience in creating new tourism industries, identifying current and potential challenges to the tourism industry, and seeking ways to bring the benefits of increased tourism activity to the local population.

Dr. Peter Tarlow is considered a father of academic tourism security and how to turn police forces into economic generators. 

Your goal is our goal!

The idea is to position your entity, destination, or VIP in the public domain and generate awareness, business, and leads.

When signing up for our representation plan, you receive a dedicated expert working exclusively on your account. Services could include not just press releases or story posting, but individual outreach, consulting, sales calls, road shows, and much more.

Our highly flexible plans will adjust outreach based on what has worked based on our 25 years of experience as the first online travel publication in the world.

How much? How fast? How effective? How inclusive?

It’s simple. Your budget, product, and goals determine how often and how deep we can go to feature, promote, and position you.

Plans | Rates:

Storytelling & press releases
  • Do you write your press releases?
  • Do you write your own stories?
  • Do you need help positioning your release for keywords, syndication, search, and best visibility?
  • Do you need help converting your press releases into feature stories?
  • Do you want us to write about you?
  • Do you want us to interview you?
  • Do you want us to produce stories automatically?
  • Click here to look at our single, monthly, and yearly plans
Mixing storytelling, press releases, banners, text links, consulting
  • We can add banners and text links in relevant editorial content, outreach, consulting, keywords, unique headlines, and impact articles.
  • We charge one flat rate per month or year and adjust this combination by adjusting our regular visibility media plans to fit it into the best option based on your budget and objectives.
Adjustable and sample automatic exposure plans
  • Starter plan: $300.00/ month | $2,700.00/ year
    Test our network for some initial overall outreach with text links or banners and one press release or special offer posting every month.
  • Budget Plan: $750.00/month | 7,000.00 / year
    Enter the world of public visibility. Ideal for building up an initial positioning and remaining noticed.
  • Basic Plan: $1,500.00/ month | $13,500.00/ year
    An excellent plan to remain consistently visible. Combined with targeted banners, text links, and social media campaigns. Ideal to build a reputation on our network, Google, Google News, Bing, and syndication partners and set targets. Brainstorming included.
  • Premium Plan: $3,000.00/ month | 27,000.00/ year
    You are serious about visibility. Expect daily outreach on multiple channels, constant exposure, excellent positioning, and lead generation. Basic consulting support.
  • Prime Plan : $6,000.00/ month | $54,000.00/ year
    Take visibility to the next step in prominent and constant multichannel, multi-daily outreach and positioning, including take-over campaigns. Expect enhanced results on our network, syndication, and other networks getting inspired by your content. Unique campaigns, one-by-one outreach, target campaigns by language and region. You will be able to measure your success. One-by-one consulting included.
  • Ultimate Plan : $15,000.00/ month | $125,000.00/ year
    A plan that combines extensive outreach with a dedicated team and plan manager able to reach out to your targets, also one by one. Expect physical and virtual outreach, trade shows, think tanks, and panels, and representing your destination or company on various levels—background campaigns on different networks to enable multiple exposures on Google and other multipliers. Extensive consulting options are included.

Billing, Cancellation, and Changes

Your first billing is for the first three months. Yearly plans will be billed yearly before the start of your campaign. This allows effective planning and implementation and a needed first-time push 🙂
Renewal billing is monthly or yearly, depending on your plan.

You can cancel, upgrade or downgrade with a 7-day notice before any renewal date.

Fill out my online form.