Success guaranteed!

Priority Editorial

  • Our assignment editor will consider your press releases a priority for complimentary inclusion.
  • No paywall is added to any content you provide to eTurboNews

Expected from you

  • Provide newsworthy content within our writing and content policy.
  • You may include links to your website, content, or information.
  • Some advertorial language is allowed if it blends with the editorial nature of your content.
  • Run must run a current “success guaranteed” campaign with eTurboNews to receive priority. (see below)

Success Guaranteed Campaign

  • We include your banners on the eTurboNews website AND/OR
  • We Include your text links embedded in news article content, AND/OR
  • Your links are embedded in hand-picked INFOBOX placements
  • You only pay for successful clicks or impressions.
Define your target market
  1. The Global option: Target all readers worldwide in all our publications.
  2. The Targeted Option: Define readers located in specific countries, continents, or even cities.
  3. The Category Option: Define categories and keywords to filter articles.
  4. Define a specific article
All eTurboNews articles will be translated into 85 different languages. All language editions are independent, searchable,e and have their own website ratings.

Our deal, your cost:

    We will accept and publish your press releases as a priority
    You only pay for traffic or clicks to your articles, website, or content.
    Success is a guarantee
What we will charge you:
  • $0.50 per click (global) plus $5.00 per 1000 impressions for global run-on-the-house campaigns.
  • $1.00 per click plus $10.00 for 1000 impressions if filtered for readers in specific continents, countries, regions, or cities.
  • $1.50 per click plus $15.00 for 1000 impressions if you select specific categories or keywords to filter your global audience.
  • $2.00 per click plus $20.00 for 1000 impressions if you filter to specific categories or keywords AND specific continents, countries, regions, or cities.
  • $400.00 for a permanent and inclusive INFOBOX included in a specific article. (unlimited impression, clicks, global, translated, and posted on 80+ searchable language portals). Ideal to compare your entity or destination with competitors)
Campaign Minimum, Maximum & Discounts:

The minimum purchase for a click/impression campaign is $500.00/ month. You can run an open-ended campaign or stipulate a maximum monthly amount.

All campaigns will automatically renew monthly unless canceled three days prior to the monthly renewal.

Sample text or Banner Options:

  1. Photo/ Video banner in all articles
  2. Test/ Photo insert in all articles
  3. Natural link with an anchor text in the article text
  4. Infobox below paragraph embedded or below article content
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