Preferred PR Agency Partners

Earned media has become a challenge for publications. We want to help you (and us) turn earned media into a win/win opportunity for both the PR agency and us, and invite you to become a TRUSTED PR AGENCY to receive preferred consideration mentioning your earned media.

Why do we think PR Newswire releases are bordering useless?

We understand:

  • Your job is to convince media, such as eTurboNews, to publish your press release or create a story based on your news pitch, and there is no intention to pay for such services.
  • Our job as a publication is to find exciting news stories but see earned media pitches as a financial threat.
  • How can we compromise here? We’re open to your suggestions and have some of our own.
  • Let’s partner and work together so that all of us become winners. The content you worked hard on for your client could be prominently covered by eTurboNews and our family of TravelNewsGroup publications, but there are certain conditions.

Why eTurboNews?

Our independent state-of-the-art eTurboNews news portals are published in 102 languages on independent news portals and reach over 2 million readers worldwide. Our email updates go to our subscribers of 180,000 travel and tourism industry professionals and close to 7,000 journalists and bloggers. Social media, chat groups, and push notifications add at least 100,000 additional observers. Learn about our 11 additional publications,  including  TravelWireNews designed for the busy reader.
Our audience can read, listen to, and watch your news story. Readers can search for your audio and video-converted story on podcast channels and YOUTUBE.
Expect your news to be found within minutes on all major search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Duck Duck, and also in the news sections of such search engines.

Embedded crosslinks can increase the exposure and visibility for your content up to 100 times.

Why do we love trusted preferred PR Partner Agencies?

We invite PR agencies to become trusted and preferred partners. This would allow us to consider your earned media pitches more quickly since PR partner agencies understand how we work. Of course, all content is subject to strict editorial approval, newsworthiness, and timing. It must comply with our content policy.

  • We trust our preferred PR partners.
  • Preferred PR agencies can work with our editorial team, or could provide all content based on our publishing guidelines.
  • We expect PR partners to respect our earned media publishing options.

Direct Access to upload to eTurboNews

We invite frequent posters, professional PR agencies to post directly to eTurboNews, making your article available instantly 24/7. This access is granted after training and agreement to respect our content policy. The reduced fee for a posting is $125.00

Travel Marketing Network

  • Preferred PR agncies can apply to be added to the Travel Marketing Network as a partner, resulting in usa promoting your services to potential clients. Partners have access to all eTN services and can integrate eTN distribution in their service packages based on a case by case agreement. There is a yearly charge of $2,500.00 for apprived PR agency partners to become a preferred PR agency. It includes a listing as a partner, and us promoting your services to potential clients.

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Preferred Partner Agencies


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